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Malta Girl Guides Celebrate Thinking Day 2025: ‘Our Story’

Every year on the 22nd of February, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world come together to celebrate World Thinking Day, a special occasion to reflect on the values, history and impact of the Movement. This year, the theme ‘Our Story’ encouraged members to explore the rich legacy of Girl Guiding and to reflect on their own journey within the Movement. In Malta, the Malta Girl Guides marked the occasion with a series of national events designed to engage members of all ages.

National Leaders’ Event: Recognising the invaluable role of leaders in shaping the next generation of confident and responsible individuals, a special Leaders’ Event was held at the Mosta Girl Guides premises. This event served as a space for leaders to connect, exchange experiences and gain inspiration from one another. Discussions and activities revolved around the theme of storytelling, highlighting how each leader’s unique journey contributes to the larger Girl Guiding narrative. Through interactive workshops and reflective sessions, leaders revisited the core values of Girl Guiding, explored ways to strengthen their impact on young members and celebrated the collective story of our Association. The event concluded with a Thinking Day Candle Ceremony, a symbolic tradition where candles were lit to represent the unity of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts worldwide. Leaders took a moment to reflect on the global sisterhood they are part of, renewing their commitment to guiding principles and their role in inspiring future generations.

National Thinking Day Event for Guides and Rangers: For Guides and Rangers, the main national Thinking Day event took place in Ħamrun, bringing together members from different Districts for a day of learning, fun and unity. Through various engaging activities, participants explored the legacy of Lord Robert Baden-Powell and Lady Olave Baden-Powell, the founders of the Scouting and Girl Guiding Movement. One of the highlights of the event was a story-sharing activity, where Guides and Rangers reflected on their personal experiences in Girl Guiding and how it has shaped them. The day concluded with the Thinking Day Candle Ceremony, a powerful moment where Guides and Rangers lit candles in a circle of unity, symbolising their connection to millions of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world. As the candles flickered, members renewed their Guide Promise, reinforcing their commitment to friendship, service and empowerment.

Scarf Day: Adding to the festivities, the 21st February was celebrated as Scarf Day, an initiative where all members proudly wore their scarves to school, work and public places. This simple yet powerful gesture helped raise awareness about Girl Guiding in Malta and showcased the pride members feel in being part of this global sisterhood.

As the celebrations came to a close, one message remained clear: Girl Guiding is more than just an Association, it is a lifelong journey, a community and a story that continues to unfold with every new generation!