Our girls have that little bit extra

Join the Malta Girl Guides


The Brownies Section is for girls aged between 7 and 10. Being a Brownie is all about making new friends, being creative and learning new skills. Girls in Brownies have incredible experiences together and discover the world around them. It is also the time when our girls start being more adventurous and even start experiencing campings.

Brownies work on various badges – Space Badge, Local Food Badge, Fashion Design Badge and Music Badge are just a few. Other Brownie badges can be checked out in our badges section.

The Brownie Promise

I promise to do my best
To love my God
Serve my country
Help and respect other people and all living things
and to keep the Brownie Guide Law.

Jien inwiegħed li nagħmel mill-aħjar
biex naqdi dmiri lejn Alla
u art twelidi;
biex ngħin lil ħaddieħor
u nobdi l-liġi tal-Brownies


The Brownie Motto

Lend a Hand

Kun dejjem ta’ għajnuna


The Brownie Law

A Brownie thinks of others before herself, and does a good deed every day.

Brownie dejjem taħseb fl-oħrajn l-ewwel u tipprova tagħmel xi ħaġa tajba kuljum.

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