Our girls have that little bit extra

Join the Malta Girl Guides


The Dolphin Guides are the youngest section of the Guiding family, aged between 4 and 7. Our Dolphins play, explore the outdoors, get messy, sing, dance, get to know themselves and start learning skills for their future, amongst many other things. Most importantly they learn by doing, they develop self confidence and they have so much fun with their Dolphin Guide Friends.

Dolphins can work towards interest badges, where they can learn about everything from basic life skills to culture and heritage, from safety awareness to becoming a nature explorer. They also have various challenges such as the Adventure Challenge and the International Challenge – and they even earn badges along the way ! Check them out in our Dolphins Badges section !

Once you join us, you become a real Dolphin Guide when you make your Promise and you follow our Motto; they are very easy to remember!
And remember, a promise is a promise! There is even a special sign we make with our three middle fingers, to show people that we mean it.

Promise & Motto

Dolphin Promise

I promise to do my best to love God, my country and everybody

Jien nwiegħed li naghmel mil-ahjar biex inhobb ‘l Alla, lil pajjizi u lill-ohrajn


Dolphin Motto

Friendly and Helpful

Kun ħabiba ma’ kulħadd

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