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MGG Celebrates World Thinking Day 2020

World Thinking Day is a day of international friendship, when Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world come together with one voice, speak out on issues that affect girls and young women, and fundraise for the 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world.

This year’s World Thinking Day theme, Living Threads, celebrated the diversity within our association. Through activities that explored the themes diversity, equity and inclusion, MGG members increased their understanding of these concepts, and developed the skills to apply them in every day lives.

National WTD celebrations were split up on 2 days – 15th February was specifically targeted at the youngest members of our Association, Dolphin Guides and Brownie Guides whilst on the 18th February a celebration was held for our adult volunteers.

The Living Threads concept was showcased and delivered to our young members in a colorful and energetic way.  Throughout an afternoon filled with fun activities, our young members experienced various challenges related to the 5 different regions of WAGGGS, – Europe, Western Hemisphere, Asia Pacific, Arab and African Region. Our members created musical instruments, wooden tiles, color headbands and dances. They also had the opportunity to learn some basic sign language and learnt all about being unique individuals.  They learnt that we are all like different threads – even though we speak different languages, come from different regions, wear different clothes and have different fingerprints we are all equal in value – “all these threads in the tapestry are equal in value no matter what colour”

During the Adult Volunteer celebration, our members had the time and opportunity to discuss, learn and share their experiences about daily instances related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

At the end of both celebrations , the traditional Thinking Day candle ceremony was held. The ceremony is a reminder that we all share the same sky, earth, air , and sun – we are all brothers and sisters around the globe, sharing a common vision. Just like different threads when woven together form something bigger and stronger, so do we. We are just like these threads, all unique and of equal value. Being able to come together with a shared purpose is our strength. We are living threads indeed !